My Interests

I absolutely love watching anime and reading manga! Currently, I'm watching an anime called Bungo Stray Dogs on a website called Crunchyroll. It's an amazing story about a group of people belonging to the "Armed Detective Agency". Every member is based off of a real historical figure prominent in Japanese literature as well as American and British Literature authors. Their character designs are created to be both modern and a token to their legacy and famous novels. I love when fiction takes history and reality and mixes them together to create a fun and fantastical story loved by so many across the world. I also love listening to Hip-Hop Lofi to help me focus and study as well as created inspiration for writng my own stories. This is a genre that mashes up traditonal hip hop and jazz elements to create a new kind of atmospheric sound. I've created playlists of my favorite videos on youtube that use this style of music. Here are some of my favorite channels and videos to check out if you're interested!

The Bootleg Boy

in love with a ghost | flowers feat. nori

The Jazz Hop Cafe

I graduated from Hunter College in January with a BA in English Literature and Adolescent Education. I was planning to become a high school teacher but I discovered the MLS program through a librarian at the school i did my student teaching at and decided to take a different path. I haven't completely decided yet but I may go into the program for School library Media Specialist but no promises yet. I hope that this semester and next will give me an idea of which exact path I wish to take but so far I'm really enjoying my time in this program and learning more about libraries. I hope that my degress as an undergrad and gradutae student can take me new places and give me oppoetunities to travel and work abroad!

About Me
